Mission Statement
The mission of The Community Intervention Center of Lackawanna County is to offer marginalized individuals respectful, comprehensive services that encourage personal empowerment, self- sustaining recoveries and housing stability.
Vision Statement
The Community Intervention Center of Lackawanna County believes that the recovery process is available to anyone who chooses to engage in it and that recovery is subjective as well as elective.
The Community Intervention Center of Lackawanna County was founded in 1972 as a grassroots initiative undertaken by young professionals. At that time its name was The Rap House and its mission was to offer crisis intervention, information referral and situational advising to needy individuals seven days a week with no appointments necessary and no fee for service. In 1973, as a drop-in center, CIC became the first licensed drug and alcohol facility in Lackawanna County. Now, only the name had changed – both the need and the mission remain strong.
The drop-in program has adapted to include services that provide realistic assistance to individuals in need of everything from continual community contact to drug and alcohol treatment, representative payee services, a hot meal and use of a telephone. Additionally, CIC serves as a day-shelter for homeless individuals. Operates three Department of Housing and Urban Development Permanent Supportive Housing Programs that provides apartments and case management to 26 chronically homeless individuals and a Safe Haven Housing Program that provides housing and 24/7 case management for four chronically homeless, highly resistant individuals.
The employees of the Community Intervention Center hold several professional certifications including one Nationally Certified Counselor, three Social Workers, one Certified Intervention Professional, one Certified Psychiatric Social Rehabilitation Practitioner, one Crisis Intervention Trained (CIT) team member, two Certified Representative Payees, four Case Managers, and one E RYT 500, C IAYT Yoga Instructor and Wellness Coach.
Philosophy of Service
The Community intervention Center recognizes chemical dependency as a progressive disease characterized by the compulsive and excessive use of mood altering chemicals. Chemical dependency negatively impacts the individual’s mental and physical health, interpersonal relationships, family life, and employability. Fortunate it is treatable and can be addressed through abstinence, treatment and active participation in a 12 step program. Unfortunately there are those who after countless attempts find recovery elusive. CIC is here for them as well.
The Community Intervention Center takes a holistic view within the Mental Health Recovery Model of mental illness focusing on the individual not just their symptoms. Recovery asserts that individuals with psychiatric disabilities can achieve not only affective stability and social rehabilitation but transcend limits imposed by mental illness to achieve their highest goals and aspirations. Unfortunately there are those individuals who are resistant to recovery. CIC is here for them as well.